The 1080 FTW DT is available at Newegg for a pretty good price (, and an auction for the 1080 SC is ending on eBay soon, which has a great price so far ( I didn't get them, because I am trying to get the FTW or, if a miracle will happen and it will be available at places other than Micro Center, the Classified. Oh, and that reminds me that Micro Center have a few Classifieds in stock (the number in the parenthesis is the amount they have in stock):
CA - Orange Country/Tustin (OVER FREAKIN' TEN OF THOSE)
OH - Cincinnati/Sharnovillie (1)
Actually, that's it... I expected there to be more, so I made the list, but apparently there aren't. :P Here you can find the Classified's product page: