vidathedogSloth242I think i just got me a FTW on NewEgg... waiting for it to approve my card...WHAT?!?!? I'm auto refreshing the page ever 10 seconds and it never said in stock!!!!
Sloth242I think i just got me a FTW on NewEgg... waiting for it to approve my card...
vidathedogI literally just got up to get a drink and missed it :(
Sloth242vidathedogSloth242I think i just got me a FTW on NewEgg... waiting for it to approve my card...WHAT?!?!? I'm auto refreshing the page ever 10 seconds and it never said in stock!!!!It showed up on nowinstock and I snagged me one. My card has been approved and says packaging. It was up for maybe 2 minutes. I almost missed it because my internet decided to switch routers on me right when I saw it come in stock. Thank the GPU gods I made it