And sold out literally mid order.. Paypal preset wasn't even fast enough to get my order in. Apparently, adults with jobs are out of luck as we can't sit here* all day hitting refresh.
I'm done.
*your post has been edited. Vulgar language is not allowed*
This is honestly pretty crazy.
Am I missing why they cannot just say "We received some more stock, it will be up around 7EST keep an eye out!" ?
This gives a chance to everyone with enough notice rather than just the lucky people who happen to be on for the 7 minutes it is in stock. That way when people don't get the card it is purely the stock levels rather than the absolute complete luck and having a bot order for you basically...
People that cannot be at a device with internet 24/7 watching for it are getting shafted here. What about those who work all day or those who are otherwise indisposed? It also just makes no sense to me why a release date/time for the Classified cannot be announced either, especially with some already being purchased and clearly at some retailers...
@EVGA_JacobF ^