2016/07/20 12:43:54
The last I was told shipments for new cards would start arriving soon on a weekly basis but that is all I've heard

Excellent, thank you! Looking forward to this.
2016/07/20 12:54:59
FTW DT in stock http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487252 

what is the DT ?  I got the other 1080 FTW and am not sure what the difference is

The DT doesn't have to factory Overclock, I don't however think they are cards rejected to be the full FTW however, just ones that aren't warrantied to run at the higher clocks. don't know if they test each of the FTW cards to make sure they run at the OC, and the rejects become DT. my guess is they just accept a slightly higher RMA rate on the full FTW cards.

Hmm.  Probably not a good idea to pair one of the DT's with my standard FTW then?  I would hate to get one that holds the other back is all.
2016/07/20 13:04:53
It would work, but I would honestly suggest to match them. Secondly the card looks slightly different (no FTW logo)
2016/07/20 13:26:44
It would work, but I would honestly suggest to match them. Secondly the card looks slightly different (no FTW logo)

Ok, Thanks again for the fast response!
2016/07/20 19:38:55
It would work, but I would honestly suggest to match them. Secondly the card looks slightly different (no FTW logo)

Ok, Thanks again for the fast response!

A waste of money on the FTW if you do. 
2016/07/21 00:33:32
Any news on Eastern (or south-eastern) Europe Shipments (more interested in Retailers)?
- The EU.EVGA site shows it in-stock but I think it's better if you buy it from a local retailer, for warranty reasons.. what do you guys think about it? :s
Edit: Seeing the 1070 SC with plenty of stock, but I want a 1070 FTW .. ergh.. the temptation.. must resist.. must wait
Edit 2: added eu.evga mention. Preferring local retailer 
2016/07/21 04:01:35
Finale got my 1080FTW from alternate.de. Should do the trick until september to get a second one. And it was worth waiting for the evga compared to other manufacturers.
2016/07/21 08:17:35
Founders Edition back in stock at B&H Photo folks. 
2016/07/21 13:13:29
Finale got my 1080FTW from alternate.de. Should do the trick until september to get a second one. And it was worth waiting for the evga compared to other manufacturers.

Nice to hear that Alternate finally got those cards out. They couldn't for my pre-order unfortunately, but I will get mine from Caseking tomorrow.
2016/07/21 13:54:55
Preorder on amazon . FTW

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