2016/07/19 05:32:04
For peeps in Europe:
caseking.de has ftw and sc in stock
just snagged a ftw ^^ 

Other retailers weren't even able to fulfill their pre-orders, but Caseking had FTWs in stock? EVGA, what are you doing?
2016/07/19 05:50:05
For peeps in Europe:
caseking.de has ftw and sc in stock
just snagged a ftw ^^ 

Other retailers weren't even able to fulfill their pre-orders, but Caseking had FTWs in stock? EVGA, what are you doing?

What makes you think eVGA is doing anything bad? Perhaps the companies who can't fulfill their pre-orders shouldn't have been taking them, or didn't have the
initial order amount to fulfill them. ie: Why take pre-orders if you know your first few orders are only going to be 5 to 10 cards? Especially when another place
NOT taking pre-orders gets the same amount...
It's QUITE possible you should be blaming the companies taking pre-orders...thanks.
(nope, don't work for eVGA)
2016/07/19 05:59:03
Lol...alternate told me seconds ago on twitter, that the ftw is not even on the market right now. I think they should teach their Support a little better.

So, called them by phone.
Alternate also got a bigger shippment of Ftw and SC today. They are unpacking them right now and preparing them for the customers.

Better never believe on twitter-support
2016/07/19 07:24:06
All those waiting in the EU, the EU.EVGA site has the 1070FTWs in stock! It seems that the low stock issues are slowly being sorted. Ordered mine through casekings.de, it appears to be in transit. Can hardly wait! (but I'll surely have to :p)
2016/07/19 08:04:30
Lol...alternate told me seconds ago on twitter, that the ftw is not even on the market right now. I think they should teach their Support a little better.

So, called them by phone.
Alternate also got a bigger shippment of Ftw and SC today. They are unpacking them right now and preparing them for the customers.

Better never believe on twitter-support

Thanks for the information, FoucaultLeon :)
And @transdogmifier: You can read from most people in Germany or the EU that they got their FTW from Caseking (or one of their daughter companies like Overclockers). So it really sounds like Caseking was preferred over other retailers, at least in Germany. If this isn't the case, EVGA could just tell us in an official way. I will gladly stop saying that a retailer get preferred over others as soon as an EVGA worker tells me that this isn't the case.
2016/07/19 08:27:34
Lol...alternate told me seconds ago on twitter, that the ftw is not even on the market right now. I think they should teach their Support a little better.

So, called them by phone.
Alternate also got a bigger shippment of Ftw and SC today. They are unpacking them right now and preparing them for the customers.

Better never believe on twitter-support

Thanks for the information, FoucaultLeon :)
And @transdogmifier: You can read from most people in Germany or the EU that they got their FTW from Caseking (or one of their daughter companies like Overclockers). So it really sounds like Caseking was preferred over other retailers, at least in Germany. If this isn't the case, EVGA could just tell us in an official way. I will gladly stop saying that a retailer get preferred over others as soon as an EVGA worker tells me that this isn't the case.

Amazon.uk receiving FTWs tomorrow (SCs next week) so say EVGA UK
2016/07/19 08:49:51
Founders Edition in stock at B&H Photo. 
2016/07/19 09:05:45
my 1080 FTW from BHP Video just shipped this morning. I will get it tomorrow :p
2-way SLI coming

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