We're British (UK / European / whatever. I'm actually from the isle of man which makes me Manx, but I digress), we're used to waiting in line
I think the frustration is that the line doesn't seem to be moving. 6 weeks after launch and have yet to receive a single card, and we've been hearing "there will be a shipment next week" for 3 weeks now
I am in the same boat with,uk, been pre-ordered since 28th of May. Not sure if they have received any at all!
Scan's currently saying "Item due on 15 July 2016.", same as Novatech, but for those like me who didn't hear about this card until recently and haven't pre-ordered (and I don't see the point at this point in time since it'll lock me into one vendor when another might get a sudden surge of stock sooner than "my" vendor does) I dunno how long it'll be until anyone has actual, non-reserved stock.