Very disappointed.
Not sure how else to say it.. and I'm not sure who's to blame. Yesterday, had stock for 1080FTW's.. meaning, they've been provided with enough to fill their orders AND have enough surplus to put up as "in stock" afterwards. I've had mine ordered through Canada Computers since JUNE 11TH. It's so disheartening to see people have an opportunity to have the FTW I've been holding my breath for, after only having to wait a day or two knowing I've been waiting over a month now. I feel I've been very patient.. I'm going to have to reevaluate how I approach these "launches" next time around.
A city only a couple hours away from New York on the Canadian side should NOT be having stock arrive at the same time as the UK. Absolutely ridiculous.
Actually they have had the 1080 FTW in stock a few times each day for about 10 minutes. The thing that I noticed is that they say they are shipping from the US. So in other words I don't think NewEgg Canada has actually gotten any that are for them, they are just pulling stock from their US store.
Is there any EVGA 1080 FTW shipping in Canada I preordered mine at Memory Express since May 28. I don't see any FTW in any stores in Canada accept new egg what going on been running intel graphic on my two computers for almost 2 months I need my two FTW please.
Well I can't say I have good news for you then. I got my order with Memory Express and just talked to them again today. First, they have not gotten their first shipment of FTW cards yet. Why is it taking longer to ship to Calgary than somewhere in the EU is beyond me. But they do expect the first batch this week. Now for more bad news, I have been told multiple times they are only getting 50 FTW cards, chain wide, in that first batch. And then to just throw some salt on that wound, I have been told that it is highly unlikely I will get one of the first cards. Considering I got my order in just before 6pm on May 27th, the odds of you getting yours in the first batch is even worse. Now as for when they are getting cards after that first tiny batch, I have been told two things, end of July and July 20th. Considering how long this first shipment is taking, I'm leaning towards the end of July. That said that second shipment should have up to 300 cards according to what they told me.
And this is why I am now actively looking at trying to grab one from Don't get me wrong I would prefer getting it in town and not have to pay shipping, but I am getting really sick of this wait. Oh and my wife is sick of me talking about how we still don't have the cards here in Canada.