Hey Jacob,
First off, I would like to thank you for the work you are putting into communicating with the community, even if it is currently mostly disappointing/angry at you for not being able to deliver answers. Please don't take this wrong, but I am sadly in the same camp as most people here, especially in the EU it seems. Could you maybe provide us with a list of updates you may provide information about? Anything would do, for me of course EU information would be appreciated the most, but I am fairly certain every single part of the world is waiting on your glorious cards.
First priority is EVGA.com preorders.
I'd also like to know a little bit about the current evga.com pre-orders are our most important concern, as it currently looks like there will not be any cards for the rest of the world that have not pre-ordered cards through your website, but rather ordered at their own local retailers, as you seem to restock your own website as well? Wouldn't this mean that you are giving out cards to people that have not had orders made way back when it was first announced, but rather send them out to the people that are getting lucky by ordering them from your website?

I personally would love to know if this is actually the case or if you are listening to your parents and actually spreading the wealth equally.
Will provide an updated status by tomorrow on EU.
Once again, I understand that you would love to give answers and I am sure that you have information you would love to give us but you are currently not allowed to. Keep it up and I guess I'll be waiting until tomorrow for that EU update.
(Ps: I've been waiting since my birthday for a great 1080 to come out and currently have 2 1080FTW pre-ordered in the Netherlands(eu). I'm still sitting on my old AMD 7670 OEM and it is really no longer able to hold on (even at 720p
