For anyone else having issues with this card.
My symptoms:
Freeze at desktop looking up crap on webrowser
BSOD crashes(archage specifically)
Swapped the card with my wifes 780 FTW. I had no issues with 780 and she started having issues with my 980 FTW.
She had black screens and crashes(archage specifically).
Downclocked GPU -105 MHz still had the same issues.
Final Resolution:
I downclocked the GPU and GPU memory at -250Mhz and I haven't see and issue with my card since.
Seems like the GPU is working fine now. The card at stock will run all benchmark tools perfectly fine. It's when you start using the the GPU for it's intended use(Games) that the crashes appear at stock clocks. I truly believe that issue with these cards there sending out is unstable clocks or low voltage.
The GTX 980 FTW can't handle the overclock the factory is sending them to us at.