2019/11/30 00:03:50
Bowling ball.
2019/11/30 03:44:09
Toilet plunger and toilet brush as a Christmas gift for a nephew who just moved out on his own.
2019/12/01 21:33:06
Saleen stage 3 supercharger upgrade
2019/12/01 21:51:01
I just bought a new laptop yesterday.
2019/12/01 22:19:44
I just bought a new laptop yesterday.

That might be considered "Off Topic".      
2019/12/01 22:30:16
I just bought a new laptop yesterday.

That might be considered "Off Topic".      

2019/12/02 11:40:10
A new batch of green coffee (4 different Ethiopian varieties) for roasting.
2019/12/02 22:40:35
Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB 32GB (4x8GB), 3600MHz, CL16 [link]

500 bucks. Yikes.     ;)

Still waiting for the RAM - I really REALLY dislike FedEx... two missed deliveries even though I was sitting right here waiting - no door tag, the FedEx guy never showed up, probably just wanted to go home early, inconsiderate b@stard. Having to take another day off work tomorrow because signature is required. This is the 3rd unrelated delivery in the past month that FedEx has screwed up for me, plus 2 other people in our apartment building also having problems with them. UPS and USPS are fine. If FedEx pull the same crap tomorrow, the RAM will be returned to Corsair.
2019/12/03 09:41:03
Finally bought some Blizzard gear.  Been wanting to buy something for a while since I play their games and they had a 30% off sale yesterday so I picked up the WoW 15th Anniversary version fleece zip jacket.  Was a little worried after reading some horror stories about the company running their store now, but I got a shipping notice this morning so we'll see.
2019/12/03 09:50:28
Crosman 2260 .22 CO2 pellet rifle .
2x TP link pcie wifi adapters.
TENS EMS unit.
A few good sales going on, might as well take advantage of them.

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