Doing a retro buy... Time for some vintage gaming fun.
Apple IIgs

BMOW Floppy EMU. This thing emulates floppies and hd drives using disk images. Can have thousands of disks on an SD card.

IIgs rom battery mod. Gets rid of the soldered rom battery with a removable battery holder.
A Wombat USB to ABD adapter. Use your modern gaming keyboard and mouse on Apple II and Mac ADB ports.
Apple iigs RGB to SCART cable. The best option for those wanting a crisp video out of an Apple IIgs.
OSSC line doubler/tripler/quadrupler. SCART -> HDMI for crisp modern display use. Retro console gamers are the ones that typically use this, but they work great on retro computers too.
Later will most likely get a IIgs 8MB ram upgrade card and a pc gameport adapter.