2011/04/18 09:24:00
Why hello thar!
2011/04/18 18:04:26
Hello everyone my name is Peter,
I'm and a Student in Computer tech Configuration and Analysis and I will also be doing system networking most likely with the intention of getting a career in the computer industry.
Education aside, I'm a bit of a gamer. I love Halo, *points to my Halo armor sig* Feel free to ask about my armor or more pics.
I'm into alot of PC games as well, League of Legends, Portal, Age of Empires 2, Starcraft 2, Bioshock, etc.
I also have this little obsession of wanting to work with computers, just because.
I like building and testing machines even if I have no use for them (I just bought a EVGA GTX 560 even though its probably overkill) 
I'm looking forward to talking tech with you guys on these forums!
2011/04/19 00:00:16

2011/04/21 11:52:22
hello my name is richard i first was introduced to evga's fine products when my acer computer died. it too had nvidia chipset in the mainboard. so i salvaged what i could and went to work on building my own computer. went to compusa and bought my 730i/9300 mother board i was very happy when i found out i can put 8 gigs of ram on this computer so i went to work right away. toped it off with a 9800 gt now i feel like i want to throw away my tv and buy a bigger monitor and put a tv card in my pc. because everything is in beautiful high def. top it off i now have a logic tech surround sound speakers . i dont go out anymore on my days off only to do the laundry. next year i hope to get a gtx 560 ti for this computer
2011/04/21 19:40:36
Guess I should introduce myself. My name is Cody and I am from Saskatoon, SK, Canada. I am a currently taking my first year apprenticeship for Professional Cooking and working at a place called the "Saskatoon Club"; a premier private business club (where I work as a cook).
I just finished building a full murderMod TJ07 (complete with sLight, front panel, and serpentine top grill) but have pulled it apart for need of money and to start something new :)
2011/04/25 00:41:08
Hi, I'm Jason and I'm here to track Rud3bwoy and his posts in FSOT once I hit 50 posts. Slowly but surely! 
2011/04/26 08:10:20
Welcome to the EVGA forums dood's  
P.S - Cody's the MAN! I won a free copy of Dirt 2 from him. He deserves a BR for it !! Making his self known here no doubt. 
2011/04/26 08:48:40
I'm a nub, whos Graphics cards went t*ts up.  Thats why I am here, 
Running a P5E-N Mobo, and it HAD 2 x 512MB 8600 GS Nvidia cards, my PSU is 400W and Its a quad core Q6600, wit 3GB RAM.  Been fine and dandy for 3 years and now Poof, both cards in 48 hours...  Is it my Mobo, PSU or just Eve Online's Captains Quarters that ate my cards...  And I am certified Dust free! 
2011/04/26 08:52:27
Welcome to the forums calamity! Hmmm. First thing that comes to mind would be your PSU. What make and model is it if you dont mind telling us? Also have you overclocked any of your components at all? How many hard drives do you have? 
2011/04/26 09:25:49
I think its a cheap and nasty for OEM use FSP I think 400w PSU, nothing overclocked as far as I am aware, and only one HD drive, with a dvd and card reader oh and the pretty blue fans x 3.  It happened on Saturday, whilst I was trying out some new features of my favourite game, one card immediately went on the fritz, so I got the PSU checked out as I had power but didnt and no beeps. That seems to be ok.  Then I swapped it from Dual card SLI to Single Card with a little thingy on the mobo (can you tell I am a girl yet! ) and put the other card back in and it all worked again for around 36 hours. Now the other has gone. I dont want to be buying cards and frying them!
So anything else I can try to check it out would be good.
Thanks in advance....

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