2011/04/07 08:07:30
Welcome to EVGA L.Brodnax.  Hope you like it here as much as we do.  I'm sure that you will find all kinds of information and friendly people.
2011/04/10 00:10:03
I'm a Hardware addict &........

Attached Image(s)

2011/04/12 00:34:06
Hi I'm Shykal or Shy.
I'm Madrias' significant other, He's also my 'go to' person when I'm having a problem with my computer or I have a question and need help, and thanks to him I'm not as computer illiterate anymore.
I'm a part time cleaner.
I'm also an artist, I paint and draw.
I game a little, though have a brother that's trying to get me to game more, but when he's sitting behind me and saying things like "You go 'around' the wall Shy, not through it." or "You're in the bush again." and laughing at my lack of coordination at that moment I wonder why he bothers. It's not that I'm not coordinated I'm just bad if I don't have a game controller in hand. Sit me in front of a PS2 or PS3 and put in a Need for Speed game and I can kick some butt, to the point my brother quit playing NFS with me.
2011/04/12 01:23:10
Welcome back, did you get the internet sorted out? :)
2011/04/12 01:24:20
and if madrias already hasnt told you ... BUY MINECRAFT!
2011/04/12 10:51:54
OMG, it's a girl...ON THE INTERNET!!! *screams* Anyway, Hi! Welcome, and yes, get minecraft. You brother will seethe in jealous rage at your awesome new game!
2011/04/12 10:58:24
Sleinous Welcome back, did you get the internet sorted out? :)

Thanks Sleinous. Unfortunately not, I'll know by Friday, we've cutback and budgeted a bit, if all the bills get paid there won't be anything left.
farthestkrisand if madrias already hasnt told you ... BUY MINECRAFT!

Madrias hasn't, though what have you done to him, he's so addicted I spend half my time talking to air and no not between his ears... though occasionally I wonder... moving on, I'd get Minecraft if I could, I had a look the other day it locked up my computer I got the ol' 'not responding' treatment, was my laptops favorite thing to do it's now currently my mouse pad in the relaxed set up I have.
Back on topic though, thanks for the welcome and I hope to still be here after friday.
2011/04/12 20:41:09
General section way behind EGC section.

Yea as Sim already stated, EGC has been running a introduction thread for a long while now, but i'd like to introduce myself on the general forum anyways
Im known ingame as WinterFrost, I play a good lot on the EVGA servers - so all new people hurry up and join EGC! and ive been gaming on the PC since the MSDOS era. ROYALTY STATUS
Its a pleasure to be here

2011/04/12 23:16:58
cdragonm OMG, it's a girl...ON THE INTERNET!!! *screams* Anyway, Hi! Welcome, and yes, get minecraft. You brother will seethe in jealous rage at your awesome new game!

This made me lol. Thanks for the welcome.
I can't buy Minecraft right now, I'm playing the free version, I know likely lame to do so but it's all I can manage at the moment, Good for practice though due to my lack of coordination and remembering which key does what, I'm a goof that way.
2011/04/16 06:18:26
Hi all, Eddie from South Jersey. I'm 56 and probably a little older than most here. I enjoy gaming but I'm mostly just a technology junkie. I just built my first new rig in quite some time. Boy have things changed since my last build. But I have been building systems off and on since the i386 and DOS days. My main hobby is riding my Harley and I love salt water fishing. I'm a retired Firefighter so I have plenty of time to play with my toys. I love this site. I already received great advice for my EVGA 460 SE and look forward to learning more and hopefully eventually contributing.

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