2021/08/22 06:28:03
Hi everyone, im new here, from singapore!
Got pointed to here through youtube videos. Looking to learn and explore :)
2021/08/22 12:42:28
2021/08/22 12:53:28
Hi everyone, im new here, from singapore!
Got pointed to here through youtube videos. Looking to learn and explore :)

Welcome to the EVGA forums. 
2021/08/22 14:25:39
What kind of case are you in, Cyberfly? Personally a mist-full tower isn't worth watercooling in. I'd just go air cooling. A SFF case deserves the thought about trying watercooling though.

And the NH-D15 is awesome. I still have my NH-D14.
2021/08/24 19:21:14
Long time Mac user just switching over to the Dark Side.  Built my PC this past weekend. POSTed on first try (yea!!!!)
Still don't know what I'm doing but making progress anyway.  
As I learn how things are done around here, I'm sure I'll become a bit more vocal.
2021/08/25 05:23:33
Hi, Expat living in Brunei here.
Been PC gaming for nearly 30 years now. Love how the hardware has evolved during that time.
2021/08/25 11:18:51
Been gaming for long time. Currently doing CAD design work and going back to school as an adult pursuing a mechatronics degree. Built many PC's in the past. Worked with cryogenics for nearly 10 years. 
2021/08/29 01:08:33
Hey all, I am Big Dave and enjoying doing some posting while playing on my GTX 1080 while I wait for my 3070 to arrive.
2021/08/29 13:12:40
Welcome new members.     
2021/08/31 09:15:35
Hello ! someone want to play league of legends with me ?

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