• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.60)
2011/10/17 10:00:02
Xavier Zepherious
don't be too comfortable with going past me
My new rig will be up next month, so my output should nearly quadriple
be able to do big betas then
2011/10/17 10:13:12
Ya know... sometimes I just hate big betas... now I'm going to have to do something about that too! All for the cause... glad you can bust out new numbers.  It's a good thing for everyone.
2011/10/17 11:22:46
Xavier Zepherious
you've got just over a month to gain some lead..so use it Viper97
To everyone that hit a milestone... congrats
2011/10/17 13:15:15
4 Million  
(now onward to 5)
2011/10/17 19:13:42
congrats everyone
just made 50,000,000 myself
2011/10/18 04:50:29
Congrats y'all
2011/10/18 08:49:21
54 Million as of yesterday
2011/10/18 08:55:21
Gratz guys...keep on truckin. 
2011/10/18 08:55:33
congrats on your milestones everybody
2011/10/21 07:31:54
50 million. who'd ever thunk it?

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