• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.591)
2024/03/01 15:45:27
That's awesome CoolGTX, congratulations on your 70 Billion milestone!!  I want one... 
Ammskore, nice job on your 8 Billion mark. 
BigR257, Congratulations on your first Billion!! 
2024/03/02 18:33:51
Congratulations on the milestones guys!
70 B. Woot! Or only one billion, good job
2024/03/05 12:01:53
Cool GTX
Congrats Tony1324 on your 3 BILLION milestone, Folding for Team EVGA
2024/03/10 15:08:28
Cool GTX
Congrats turbonoodles on your 2 BILLION milestone, Folding for Team EVGA
2024/03/16 14:42:11
Cool GTX
Congrats Johnny56J5 on your 4 BILLION milestone, Folding for Team EVGA
2024/03/20 17:21:50
Cool GTX
Congrats mflanaga on your 20 BILLION milestone, Folding for Team EVGA


2024/03/27 07:50:01
Cool GTX
Congrats   SmookinJoe -  on your 50 - BILLION Milestone - folding for Team EVGA


2024/03/27 07:51:07
Cool GTX
Congrats  whitleyca -  on your 40 - BILLION Milestone - folding for Team EVGA


2024/04/06 05:05:41
Cool GTX
Congrats  Opolis -  on your 4 - BILLION Milestone - folding for Team EVGA


2024/04/08 12:24:10
So many great milestones. Congratulations on your efforts Team!! 
Thanks for posting these Cool GTX. 

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