• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.562)
2022/03/08 08:56:28
Cool GTX
Congrats kmoye  5 Billion points  Folding for Team EVGA 
2022/03/08 19:05:40
Cool GTX
Congrats kmoye  5 Billion points  Folding for Team EVGA 

+1 Nicely done, Congrat's!! :)
2022/03/09 09:20:31
  • Earned 708,347,223 points by contributing 37,418 work units

    Moving on up! 
2022/03/09 11:47:58
Cool GTX
Congrats Torell on your 700 Million milestone
Keep up the good work, looks like 800M is just around the corner
2022/03/09 17:33:17
kmoyer & Torell

Keep folding Forward...

2022/03/10 13:43:41
  • Earned 708,347,223 points by contributing 37,418 work units

    Moving on up! 

For sure, Congrat's Torell!! Got me beat on WU... 
2022/03/26 05:33:33
Cool GTX
Congrats  TensaiOni on your 2 BILLION milestone
Earned 2,000,830,352 points by contributing 9,222 work units
Look at Results & new milestones for everyone who is Folding for Team EVGA ---> (there are many new milestones being made by our members at every level)
Congrats to everyone's individual milestones while "Folding for the Greater Good"
2022/03/28 20:00:06
Congratulations on your 2 Billion milestone, TensaiOni!! Nice job. :)
2022/04/08 05:51:02
Cool GTX
Congrats madcattt   4 Billion
check out all (currently 21 in the last 7 days) new milestones for Team EVGA Folders - (they have the green triangle in the milestone section at bottom of the screen in the link)
2022/04/08 09:24:12
Congratulations on your 4 Billion milestone, madcatt!! Nice job. 
On the list you linked, I noticed 168 active folders, with a 2.5 million average PPD. That's not to shabby. 

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