Congrat's whitleyca, on your milestone. Noice!!
I'm seeing several that have hit or are close to achieving a milestone, in top 20. BadBertie[13 Billion], 427jmf [5 Billion], That CoolGTX dude about to hit 18 Billion, The [SmookingJoe fella about to ding the 8Billion bell].
Congrat's to all for your continued efforts.
I sold many (6) of those great 10xx Series, water blocked, GPUs in the last year, that I used for Folding previously .. (3) were my Titan XP GPU & (3) EVGA 1080-XX
I waited, and waited some more - for 3080Ti & now

30xx Series availability
was such a pain ... (cough)
Now that I have
MORE Power Mwahaha

time to drop the hammer
Summer Electric Rate (Tax) has ended .... look out

I'm building steam ... 20 Billion Milestone in under 3 months, maybe < 2 months?