• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.550)
2021/09/29 18:24:55
what kinda passive aggressive sadist avatar ya got now?

I just thought that I was hiding out when offline.
Anyway being a sadist now welcome to the Team.

I will have to Google or DuckDuckgo it cause...I Know Nothing...lol
For what it's worth...Welcome Home!
Glad to see the couch is back

2021/09/29 18:33:04
Joe, bcav is probably the best help here on the forums and the most kind. If you have issues with anything, his notes can walk you through it.
Glad you are back safe brother. Please post a link to your pics again. They have "reshaped" the forums again and finding that link to your escapades is impossible.
2021/09/29 18:35:16
Joe, bcav is probably the best help here on the forums and the most kind. If you have issues with anything, his notes can walk you through it.
Glad you are back safe brother. Please post a link to your pics again. They have "reshaped" the forums again and finding that link to your escapades is impossible.

I know!...I know!..
All good clean fun...
You might have missed the little black and white animation/avatar who's own toy was beatin the heck out of him...

2021/09/29 18:40:36
Joe, bcav is probably the best help here on the forums and the most kind. If you have issues with anything, his notes can walk you through it.
Glad you are back safe brother. Please post a link to your pics again. They have "reshaped" the forums again and finding that link to your escapades is impossible.

I know!...I know!..
All good clean fun...

Yes Yes I am aware brother
2021/09/29 19:08:12
Time to stop betting myself up.
2021/09/29 19:11:54
Joe, bcav is probably the best help here on the forums and the most kind. If you have issues with anything, his notes can walk you through it.
Glad you are back safe brother. Please post a link to your pics again. They have "reshaped" the forums again and finding that link to your escapades is impossible.

I have to upload the last 2 months or so photos but it still has the basic home. Photo Album Link
2021/09/29 19:16:15
Time to stop betting myself up.

Ya got that right..
As I said
Welcome Home!
2021/09/29 20:35:33
Joe, bcav is probably the best help here on the forums and the most kind. If you have issues with anything, his notes can walk you through it.
Glad you are back safe brother. Please post a link to your pics again. They have "reshaped" the forums again and finding that link to your escapades is impossible.

I have to upload the last 2 months or so photos but it still has the basic home. Photo Album Link

Good size lot..nice pictures
Nice blue skies....
Just curious...What part of the country is that?
2021/09/30 18:40:35
All I can get is for Work Units for some odd reason.

2021/09/30 19:40:05

The guys
I will put the proper certificate for ya bcav...
I do have instructions that were given to me but by the time I find em
I rely on others to make ME look good...lol
Whoo Hooo I'm one of the guys!

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