• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.546)
2021/08/23 17:52:45
See Ducrider lots of guys to help keep us all lookin good😁
2021/08/23 18:04:39
Congrats on your milestone Ducrider! That didn't take very long. 
2021/08/23 18:22:31
Congrats on your milestone Ducrider! That didn't take very long. 

Thanks guys.
 I have rounded up some good hardware to fold with. I do plan on cutting back a few cards. Like 4 of them. Sell 3 maybe 4 and pick up 1 card that will put out the same ppd. One 3070-3080ti would cover all 4 cards and then some. In the mean time is putting together my daughters gaming rig(Takes a folding card away) and working on a case mod. The case Mod will become the new dedicated folding machine. Planning on 5 rads internal 2 360's 1 480 1 120 and 1 240/280. I will have 3 water cooled card in it.  So don't be alarmed in a dip in ppd in the next month or so.
2021/08/23 20:31:15
Look who is catching the PPD bug
Might want to hide the power bill when it comes in..
Those kind of conversations tend to take the fun out of it.
I pay them straight off an FILE EM!
2021/08/23 23:18:36
Congrates Ducrider!
Climin right up!

Your Extreme Overclocking link in your signature still needs fixin

I'll try to fix that tonight. Lol


Copy and paste this into your sig unless you want to bling it up a bit. Welcome aboard the team


I am going to try an see if I can't help you with what STR1D3R_2 was suggesting..
Highlight all the link you have posted in your signature..
Similar to making it all bold, and on an angle like I did on the line above.
Once you have highlighted the link STR1D3R_2 gave you
Click the little picture I have circled in the image below and see if the preview shows you the results. This should work...I Hope...lol

Attached Image(s)

2021/08/24 02:29:01
Just right click the image and select "copy image link" and then paste it.
 I pasted it twice above and on the upper one I highlighted it and clicked un-link.
2021/08/24 08:41:52
Just right click the image and select "copy image link" and then paste it.
 I pasted it twice above and on the upper one I highlighted it and clicked un-link.

This is better instructions
I never included the link button, with image, in the instructions..
I know nothing!
2021/09/01 11:54:14
Cool GTX
Giving a BIG shout out to Idlasgard - for all those WU finished (583,364) & still Folding strong after 12 + years
You have been flying under my radar, because I'm usually looking at the total points & not the total WU finished
Just to put this in perspective - that is more WU that the members in the - top three by points ... combined


Attached Image(s)

2021/09/01 12:32:08

Congrates to another Hard Folder
Keep up the Good WURK!

2021/09/01 12:42:21

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