• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.504)
2020/04/18 11:26:38
2020/04/18 13:22:55
Cool GTX
Congrats BadBertie
 4 Billion Milestone

+1   nice going BadBertie! :) 
Was just noticing that I've doubled my all-time points in the past month.  Had previously only ever gotten to 25 million with my twin GTX580s that had gotten a little slow to be operating in the past few years. 
Just restarted the folding effort and started up a 1080Ti and two 1070Tis in the past few weeks.  I just crossed the 50 million threshold, so not a bad first month! :)

Congrat's wolverine, that's good output! 
GTS81, congratulations on your milestone! keep on truckin'. :) 
2020/04/19 16:29:01
GTS81, congratulations on your milestone! keep on truckin'. :) 

Thank you notfordman. Just broke the top 10000 global folder barrier. Hoping to get into top 1000 for our team soon.
2020/04/26 04:18:29
50 million. Not bad. Almost 1,700 WUs. The latter is what I'm really focused on. Perhaps starting to fold on some CPUs? Are those WUs generally faster?
2020/04/26 06:32:56
50 million. Not bad. Almost 1,700 WUs. The latter is what I'm really focused on. Perhaps starting to fold on some CPUs? Are those WUs generally faster?

Congrat!  Great milestone!
Fold On!
2020/04/26 10:25:58
Cool GTX
Congrats on ALL the recent milestones
2020/04/26 13:43:34
I started folding again last month and decided to switch to team EVGA.  Just hit 10 million.  It's awesome to be part of the fastest "super computer" in the world.

2020/04/26 15:16:15
Cool GTX
I started folding again last month and decided to switch to team EVGA.  Just hit 10 million.  It's awesome to be part of the fastest "super computer" in the world.

 Congrats on your milestone
Welcome to Team EVGA Folding
add this to your signature 
2020/04/26 19:32:39
I started folding again last month and decided to switch to team EVGA.  Just hit 10 million.  It's awesome to be part of the fastest "super computer" in the world.

Welcome to the team!  It is insane the expansion of the Folding at Home project compute power since the coronavirus projects started.
Fold On!
2020/04/26 22:36:32
Awesome work Guys.... lots of returning to [link=mailto:F@H]F@H[/link] happening again including myself back crunching the data

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