• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.503)
2020/04/11 16:54:48
Found an RTX 2070 I was supposed to unload but forgot so I put her to use for science. Now I just cracked 50 million.
I've had to take the side panels off my rig but hey the laundry room now doubles as a sauna and with the increase in home value I can write off the electricity increase 
2020/04/12 07:35:26
Made my first million last night.  Mostly folding on a GTX980.  The 2080ti doesn't get as much work.
2020/04/12 16:30:02
Made my first million last night.  Mostly folding on a GTX980.  The 2080ti doesn't get as much work.

Have you tried setting a flag under client-type?

2020/04/12 16:33:24
Even the beta flag isn't getting my Turing cards any work right now, but them 1080Tis are still going strong.
The folding folks have been updating alot of infrastructure lately.
Look at their server status page, the point revisions on WS servers has been steady these past weeks and the client is seeing alot of work too, if only on their beta page.
2020/04/12 16:37:42
I change between Advanced and beta if it seems one of the slots is idle for too long. I noticed my client is updating quite often as well.
Don't want to hyjack the milestones...
So see ya around ipkha
2020/04/13 06:37:48
Made my first million last night.  Mostly folding on a GTX980.  The 2080ti doesn't get as much work.

Have you tried setting a flag under client-type?

No, I haven't dug too deep.  Also, the 2080ti is on my work-at-home machine which is also my game-at-home machine.  And I sometimes forget to resume folding at night.  The compy with the GTX980 is sitting headless and folding whenever it gets called on, which seems pretty regularly.
2020/04/13 07:07:31
Cool GTX
Reminder that this Is the "Milestone Thread" ....  where we celebrate the Achievements of our Folding members
Please, Everyone - Make or use other threads for Off topic conversations
 Keep Folding
2020/04/15 10:45:07
Cool GTX
Congrats BadBertie
4 Billion Milestone
2020/04/15 14:03:26
Was just noticing that I've doubled my all-time points in the past month.  Had previously only ever gotten to 25 million with my twin GTX580s that had gotten a little slow to be operating in the past few years. 
Just restarted the folding effort and started up a 1080Ti and two 1070Tis in the past few weeks.  I just crossed the 50 million threshold, so not a bad first month! :)
2020/04/15 14:22:09
Congrats, bub.

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