• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.498)
2020/03/11 13:31:08
Closing in on 50M and Finally hit 1M PPD but can I maintain it I got a 0x21 core. Congratulations to those in the Billion points club.
2020/03/11 15:21:52
Congratulations, Suntop! Fold on! 
2020/03/11 17:55:55
Cool GTX
Closing in on 50M and Finally hit 1M PPD but can I maintain it I got a 0x21 core. Congratulations to those in the Billion points club.

Congratulations, Suntop! Fold on! 

So very close @ 49,977,839
Next update should do it
Feel Free to start your Own Thread in the Folding section - where you can have general folding discussion & ask all the question you want 
2020/03/11 21:59:48
I did it I Broke 50,000,000 points! Took just under 3 months But I did it. If I knew of the 0x22 cores I would have broken it a half a month or so ago. But here it is my 50 Million certificate.

2020/03/12 06:40:07
Cool GTX
Congrats Suntop ... your First 50 Million ...
Keep Folding
2020/03/13 06:12:40
I hadn't really paid much attention to the total points I've folded. A couple of days ago I noticed that I was heading towards a milestone and sometime overnight I hit 500million points!
2020/03/13 11:53:58
Cool GTX
Congrats Dustoman on your 500 Million Milestone


Attached Image(s)

2020/03/16 10:16:17
Started a few days ago, even with all the WU issues and server time-outs, I passed the 5M mark last night. The first milestone of many hopefully.
2020/03/24 00:07:13
started a few days ago and managed to break 2 million even with everything coming to a stop quite a bit
2020/03/24 10:04:48
I hit a Billion points this month!!!! Currently team rank 53. Woo Hoo!!

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