• Folding@EVGA
  • Got a Milestone....Place it here. 1mil 10mil 100mil we want to know. (p.119)
2012/09/16 19:12:09
Got 10 million.

2012/09/16 19:19:03
Congrats Wolf! Keep up the great work.
According to Stanford, I just passed the 130,000,000 mark.
2012/09/16 19:27:22

Congrats Wolf! Keep up the great work.

According to Stanford, I just passed the 130,000,000 mark.

Thanks, that's a great milestone you've got there! Congrats!
Not to far from 130 Mil for my old team myself.
My plain is to one day get it to that 130m mark.
I'm still putting up a WU or 2 a day there but they are small ones. PS3. lol
2012/09/16 21:28:55
Alright guys I am back and I hit 1 million in a little less than a month =)
2012/09/17 07:22:46
Alright guys I am back and I hit 1 million in a little less than a month =)

That's a great accomplishment and here's to all the future millions of production for this great work! 
2012/09/19 21:17:22
According to Stanford, I just passed the 130,000,000 mark.

That's awesome! BUT I still plan to run you down by April 2013.
2012/09/19 21:21:10
Aw000ooo000ooo! Just smacked 300 place on the team.
See sig for poof but be quick about it as that could change at the next points update.
Man that rank 300 even looks so pretty to me about now. Feels good for the work I put into this.
2012/09/21 08:47:27
Just cracked our team's top 1000, project's top 10000, and 3m points on this weekend's horizon. It's great to be back!!!
2012/09/21 09:00:15
Rock On!

2012/09/21 18:37:35
Xavier Zepherious
keep it coming team

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