2011/06/17 18:17:31
greeting all! welcome to the folding team!
michaelcollins , run all the - the 2 gpus and the cpu.  Best to turn off SLI if you are just going the run the system for folding only.
Your CPU can't do BIGADV units, just run the - smp.
Once you have completed 10 smp units on time, you are eligable for bonus points, and you can watch your numbers really start to fly!
If you have any questions, have a look through  the guides section, and if you can't find what you are looking for, post a thread and there are many people here who will help you out!
2011/06/18 00:07:03
Squall here folding on a 560 GTX Ti @ 17,760 PPD. Not sure if thats good or bad but looking forward to folding here with EVGA!
2011/06/18 07:01:23
Xavier Zepherious
welcome to the team
2011/06/18 09:34:23
Thank you for the info....  Does my Folding name have to match my Log in name?  I just started the folding process on Friday.  How long does it take to see points?  On the Forum Sig, not sure what to do.  I went to the link Xavier psoted but after typing in my name...nothing.
Is where something I did not do?  Thanks for the help.
2011/06/18 10:06:04
Xavier Zepherious
yes it does.. login = folding name
there are some slight exceptions for blanks spaces and underscores
because folding names use underscores for blanks between first name and last 
EOC updates every 3 hrs ...so it won't show up until after you complete a job (wu) and the next update 
or here
for the sig to show up you have to have points first
that means you have to get it after EOC shows some stats for you
or after stanford has points for you  
2011/06/18 10:11:02
Thanks,  I changed my folding name to my EVGA log in name.  Do I lose the folding points from yesterday?  I will try the Sig link later today.  Thank you for your time...again.
2011/06/18 10:13:57
Xavier Zepherious
they will stay under your old folding name
they can't be moved
so you start from scratch again..a lot of people here have gone thru that
welcome to the team...good luck and look forward to seeing you on the forums
2011/06/18 20:07:05
Hey guys, I started late last month, and didn't get to run alot.
Finished my 10 required(using bidadvs for it) and am now cranking out some decent points. 300k for the month so far, FAH says 40-48k PPD :D

i7 2600k @ 4.4ghz with 8GB running in a VMWare
2011/06/19 08:48:33
Can you use more than one computer to fold?  Are notebook effective in folding?  Thanks.
2011/06/19 09:16:18
Xavier Zepherious
yes you can....depends on what you want to do
you can fold under one name or different names or different teams
if you fold under the the same name, use a passkey
as you can see I fold for two teams and I have multiple computers set up to fold under my name (even for one team)
laptop don't do well for folding. it generates lots of heat and draws lots of power (not usually good for laptops)
yes you can fold on them , but they usually won't put up the numbers a good desktop system can
lappies usually don't have a good discrete GPU and usually a low end processor (just SMP)
depends on your laptop specs
others like madrias fold on lappies...they should be able to fill you in more there

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