Hi everyone, I've been folding for awhile now. I just filled out the form, and I didn't know the exact answers... I've only ever folded for two teams, a personal gaming group of mine and EVGA. EVGA is the most recent as my other team stopped some time ago. I can't remember when I started for EVGA, so my answers on the form may be inaccurate...
I've read through this forum a bit and I saw there are tiers at 10M and 30M? Is there any official post from EVGA that shows this information? I've already submitted a request for 10M and I'm currently sitting at 23M and wondering when, what are the values needed to submit for points. I was fearing that once I submitted for the month, my month was over...
Also, how do I setup my stats sig like I'm seeing here?
Thanks everyone.