Aureliano1990Check signature.
Cool GTXAureliano1990Check signature. Welcome Aureliano1990, to the EVGA Folding Team Make sure to setup Your Passkey ..... bonus points are Very important to your points total after the first 10 WU
Cool GTXPoints on EVGA site ? may take up to 1 day - refresh every 24 Hr Did you add your Folding ID ---> to your Forums registration page ?
Aureliano1990Cool GTXPoints on EVGA site ? may take up to 1 day - refresh every 24 Hr Did you add your Folding ID ---> to your Forums registration page ?
Ghost13OK, not yet a newbee to this, just wanting some more info, on all this. What i read tells me about what folding is, but does not tell what is used to fold.So what does this entail in the way of system use or folding ?