WoomackThanks :)I will add the banner some time later. I need some more posts as links are automatically removed right now.
Cool GTXWelcome to Team EVGA Folding Holdolin Edit your Signature & add this
bcavnaugh You can copy the below Banner and past it into your Forum Signature.
Woomackbcavnaugh You can copy the below Banner and past it into your Forum Signature. Finally added banner, thanks :)
bcavnaughWoomackbcavnaugh You can copy the below Banner and past it into your Forum Signature. Finally added banner, thanks :)
Cool GTXbcavnaughWoomackbcavnaugh You can copy the below Banner and past it into your Forum Signature. Finally added banner, thanks :)Glad to see you got it to work
OnyxArmosMy folding username is OnyxArmos, and the Team Number is 111065. So hopefully that means everything is set up right ^^