2017/08/06 11:54:34
New Team Evga folder checking in.
Joined a week or two ago and have two machines doing some folding.
I may leverage some spare server hardware (single and dual proc xeon systems) that I have laying around.
I have an entire room filled with retired hardware as I pull them and virtualize older physical systems.
2017/08/06 13:00:43
Welcome to the team. You might wanna put that cpu power towards crunching boinc projects. Folding on CPU isn't what is used to be.
2017/08/06 13:21:15
Welcome to the Fold and Team cryhavoc38

2017/08/06 13:39:18
Thank you BC
now to go figure out where I post that badge/link you sent me.
2017/08/06 13:44:51
Thank you BC
now to go figure out where I post that badge/link you sent me.

Right Click on the Image and Click Copy and then Past It into your Signature under User Control Panel

2017/08/06 13:47:24
ok did that. Doesn't seem to want to take.
Tried it several times, and made sure I saved the updated profile.
no joy
2017/08/06 13:52:12
trying now through chrome. 
edit, no go.
attach my signature is checked as well.
2017/08/06 16:26:08
trying now through chrome. 
edit, no go.
attach my signature is checked as well.

You may need 11 or more Posts before you insert links and you Banner has a Link.
If need be create your own Thread here https://forums.evga.com/FoldingEVGA-f28.aspx
2017/08/06 22:25:16
Yes you are right. Just read it says 9 post before sign are allowed
2017/08/16 20:48:39
Just added the Evga team to my client on my main rig a few days ago. Reminds me I need to snag another 1080SC and pull my 970SSC out of storage if I want to get to the top 50 on Evga's team (already close with OCN)

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