2017/01/08 03:25:03
I started directing my folding to the team this week. Should be able to fold when I'm not gaming more now than I have in the past
2017/01/08 04:15:09
Welcome banshee4711,
Be sure you are not using the latest driver, lower points than 272.90 driver.
2017/01/08 09:41:46
Welcome banshee4711 
HK-Steve really meant Driver 372.90 or 373.06 any after 373.06 have issues on the Pascal and Maxwell Graphics Cards.
2017/01/08 10:13:49
Welcome banshee4711 
HK-Steve really meant Driver 372.90 or 373.06 any after 373.06 have issues on the Pascal and Maxwell Graphics Cards.

Thanks bcavnaugh, my bad.. 372.90 is correct....
2017/01/08 11:41:05
Cool GTX
banshee4711 -----> Welcome to Team EVGA Folding
2017/01/10 13:20:46
hello everyone I'm not new to folding but i have been gone awhile like 3-4yrs ,i see things have changed , and i can only fold when i can cause now i pay my own lights now as b4 it was included in my rent lol so i didn't matter then lol,
any who lol i remember it bk in the day folding on the cpu was ok but really didn't do much , but then the gpus is where it was at ,so early this morning i launched it again to check it out and i see that I'm folding with both CPU and GPU ,should i disable the CPU and go with the GPU , if so how would i go about Disabling the CPU
oh and my system Spec are in my Sig at the bottom and my Folding stats are here
and i broke the 1mill mark today lol
2017/01/11 08:14:06
I just joined you guys last month.  I had heard about this earlier, but before last month, I was still running a 512MB GeForce 9800GTX from 2008.  I would have been lucky to finish a work packet at all.  I saved up for a long time and I finally picked up a GTX 1080  Night and day difference.  Now I can be a productive part of the team..  Glad to be with you guys.
2017/01/11 08:58:04
Welcome to the Fold and To Our Team nocoin
2017/01/11 09:00:25
Welcome Back to the Fold and To Our Team XRogerX

2017/01/11 09:12:12
Cool GTX
Welcome to the Forums and Folding with Team EVGA  nocoin

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