Thanks! I'll look into crunching now.. They are older CPUs but I'd be more than happy to add 2 E5506s to the mix.
What I find "nice" or "enjoyable" about Crunching Is there is no point loss if you decide to pause the WU for what ever reason, there is still an expiration date that it needs to be turned in by though. (that's unless your only in it for the points) I also like the fact that when you are in a challenge for the Team and the challenge comes to an end. They prefer you abort the WUs and not let them time out if you are not wanting to finish them. Unlike Folding where even mentioning "dumping" a WU will get you posted on a wanted sign.
I also found out there are also GPU driven Crunching projects too, some with the right setting you can do 2 @ a time on one GPU. I went to the Crunching side seeing that they needed help in a challenge- GPU- been hooked ever since (Bcavnaugh warned me it would happen and it did) Great group of folks on the Crunching side as well as the Folding side that will help whenever help is needed!!
I too have older CPUs (rigs built for folding) but they do their job and assist the team...............never know the WUs you complete might just help the team bump up 1 more notch in the Challenge!!! I Fold and then swap over for Crunching challenges now, then back to Folding since Folding has a project I like to devote my GPU time to.
TLDR; Check Crunching out it's pretty cool