You can crunch on the Intel igpu. The lunatics seti optimizer does wonders for your seti crunching.
Welcome to the fold.
This question really should be under
Crunching@EVGA Yes you can Crunch on the Intel igpu it will take much longer but you can.
I did for One Folding Task for 78 Hours and for a credit of 3022, I would not recommend doing so.
Also it took 60% usage of the CPU,
i7-3770K You cannot easily Fold and Crunch at the Same time on the GPU and the CPU.
You can Fold on the GPU and Crunch on the CPU or Fold on the CPU and Crunch on the GPU at the same time.
When I do Fold I also Crunch on None Intense CPU Projects. Remember to leave ONE Thread Free for Each GPU Folding Task running.