2015/06/17 17:25:53
Welcome to the team, blackpanther!  Glad to have you aboard.  Ask if you have any questions, this forum is full of knowledgeable and helpful people.
2015/06/18 00:10:59
Welcome aboard guys, glad to have you folding with us! If you need any assistance we have a very helpful community.
2015/06/18 06:07:48
Welcome to the folding team, members here helped me when I first started with this team.
They continue to pass along information as it becomes available as well. So check back often.
2015/06/27 17:38:31
Hey guys, just started folding with my shiny new GTX 980 Ti, I already have 10 WU done and realized that even though there's a place on my EVGA profile for a separate FAH name, it keeps saying that the profile name and FAH name has to be the same.  Can I change either username or should I just start a new FAH name while I'm early on?
Thanks ahead of time, looking forward to being part of the community!
2015/06/27 19:16:48
Hey guys, just started folding with my shiny new GTX 980 Ti, I already have 10 WU done and realized that even though there's a place on my EVGA profile for a separate FAH name, it keeps saying that the profile name and FAH name has to be the same.  Can I change either username or should I just start a new FAH name while I'm early on?
Thanks ahead of time, looking forward to being part of the community!

The profile name and Folding name has to match if you want your EVGA bucks.
2015/06/27 21:20:02
Welcome to the team!
2015/06/28 08:19:20
Glad to be a part of it :-)

Is there anyway I can change either my EVGA profile name or my FAH name to match the other and retain my points?
2015/06/28 08:32:07
To retain your points I think you would have to change your profile name to match your Folding name since that is what your points are credited to. You'll need to email the webmaster. See this thread post #2: http://forums.evga.com/Change-profile-name-m1160522.aspx?high=change+profile+name
2015/07/10 09:28:16
hi, been folding for EVGA team for a month. . Almost at 2 million points. 
Currently using GTX 760. Hoping to earn some bucks for more folding power. :)

2015/07/10 10:03:46
Congrats on your two million. Keep up the good work.

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