Welcome to our Team, James Poma.
The 327.23 driver will give you the best folding performance on your GTX770 for Core17 projects (newer drivers have a 50% lower folding performance). However with Core18 projects there is not much difference when you use the newer drivers.
Core17 projects are phased out and Stanford is moving to the more improved Core18 and you'll probably get much more Core18 than Core17 projects (I'm getting ~90% Core18 WUs with my GTX780 Ti's and GTX660 Ti's).
So it's up to you if you want to use 327.23 drivers, which you can find here for your GTX770:
NVidia 327.23 WHQL driver - 64-bit You also mentioned the "Slightly Higher" priority setting for the GPU, that option was usefull for older projects (Core15 and older), which didn't use much of the CPU and you could use all CPU cores for folding. But that is changed with Core17 and Core18, now you need to have at least one CPU core free for every GPU.