I used the Nvidia app (updated to latest) to update to 572.16 for my 4090, and the screen blanked out and didn't come back. I tried waiting for several minutes, and then tried a driver reset with the control+shift+win+b keys, but no dice. Force reset. Upon restart, it looked like 572.16 had installed just fine.
Sadly, the PC hard locked when loading Hogwarts: Legacy. So, DDU'd in safe mode and trying them again from a clean install!
Here's the driver link if anyone needs it: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/details/240547/ 
EDIT - yep, clean DDU and 572.16 is working fine now. Installed just fine, and playing Hogwarts without issue.
Cool GTX
thanks for the info, good to see you got in working after DDU
Hmm I wonder if the people on the Nvidia forums have tried that.  I went there to look at feedback after seeing the non-updated version of your post and it was getting ripped over there for the exact same thing.  Black screens, crashing in all kinds of games, etc.  Normally takes a few days to get that many posts in a driver feedback thread.
I used DDU yesterday to uninstall old driver and then installed this new one.  No issue's here doing it that way.
I ran this on my laptop (4080) and the installer hung. Behind it was the broadcast installer, which ran and updated just fine, but the graphics driver just sat there on "preparing install" for quite a while. I ended up just ending the task and re-opening the App, which then said the system needed to be rebooted to install an updated. After rebooting, the app updated and then it installed the graphics driver perfectly fine.
I'm thinking for whatever reason if you have the app you need to update that before the driver or the driver won't install right. At least that was my experience.
Could be since I don't use the Nvidia App, I didn't have the issue's you guys talk about...
Thanks for the post.
I started experiencing the same issues when I upgraded to 572.16, (using the NVIDIA App), for my 4090, while playing a 10 year old game, (Dying Light). Screen would go blank, game audio can still be heard for a few seconds, and then system is crashed. The only remedy was to do a hard reset. (In fact, this behavior was identical to the Intel 13K/14K power management issues that many of us struggled with starting a year ago). Before searching online to see if there were any issues with 572.16, I was starting to think that my CPU was failing again.
Anyway, after downloading DDU, (first time I'd heard of it), booting into safe mode and running it to remove the NVIDIA drivers, I then rebooted and installed the standalone 572.16 driver. Starting playing my game again, and no issues. I think this will be my new GPU driver upgrade process for the near term.
UPDATE: I actually started experiencing some weird issues that I believe were still driver related. (Dying Light pausing the loading screen before the top menu, and switching Full Screen off). Switching back to 566.36, (safe boot, DDU uninstall, install 566.36 NVIDIA package), seems to have fixed those for me. I'm sticking with 566.36 for now.

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