I saw an Article a few days ago that leaked from a Zotak rep that they would not even have any cards to sell on launch day because Nvidia was so late to give out the blessings on the final release bios that they were going to be late into stock
MSI sent me an email the had BUY IT NOW but the link was just a loop and never went live , MSI store was crashing hard from 8:50- 9:30, They had said they would take pre-orders that would ship on the 6th, Which is when B&H is opening up preorders at 9AM EST.
There are so few Scalped cards , like a couple review samples and maybe a dozen confirmed order receipts, once again pointing at no stock at launch .
So maybe we see a small wave in a week or two but I would bet its going to be March before we start see new cards dribbling in.