• Hardware
  • EVGA x58 Classified 3 + Ram Questions!! LF Help!
2024/12/28 06:23:19
Hey all, Not sure if this is the right section to ask this question but I guess I'll find out. 
So currently I'm using a EVGA X-58 Classified 3 Motherboard and I'm using 12GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 (3x4GB) in Tripple Channel . I'm looking to buy another 12GB of ram to hit a total of 24GB because a lot of games and programs I use are pushing my Memory at 80%+ Usage most of the time.
My Questions is that I've found another 3 sticks on Ebay but they differ a little bit on the specs for the Version. I'll show you the pictures 
This is My Ram Im currently using. 
Its showing Ver.5.12
Now the package I found on Ebay for bid $25 and buyout $40 + $9 shipping are these..
They are showing a Ver2.12  
My question is will this cause issues using 2 different versions? or does it only matter that the timings and model numbers match?
I've been out of the PC game for a while lol a little rusty.
I also have a question about timings. 
I'm using currently with my 3 sticks a custom Bios setting.
Memory Frequency - 1600Mhz/2:12
+CL 9
+RCD 9
+RP 9
+RAS 24
+RFC 88
Command Rate 2T
Voltage Control 
CPU VTT +100
DIMM Voltage 1.5
Will I have to changes these settings at all in bios if I just add another 3 sticks? Since Im no longer using only 3 sticks in Triple Channel?
Any help here would be great :D Ty!
2024/12/28 08:07:57
Using mixed memory modules has always been hit ot miss.  The only way to know if it will work is to try it.  I'd say your odds are at least 50/50.
2024/12/28 08:57:43
Cool GTX
as posted above "might work" ......
It is not ideal to mix any RAM especially with different Version ...  still maybe it works, even if you need to manually change timing for stability
see this thread:  Good Guide of the Basics, from Corsair --> RAM: How to Test RAM Modules for Memory Issues
----> RAM: Can I mix CORSAIR memory kits?
(excerpt / copy)

"We strongly recommend that you do NOT combine multiple kits of CORSAIR memory in your system. This is because our memory kits are only validated for their rated performance when only using the modules included in that specific kit (DIMMs sold in the same box).
If you combine multiple kits, even if they are rated with the same speed, you risk causing compatibility issues such as system stability problems, the overclock profile being prevented from enabling, or even your system being unable to boot."

2024/12/28 10:57:58
Cool GTX
as posted above "might work" ......
It is not ideal to mix any RAM especially with different Version ...  still maybe it works, even if you need to manually change timing for stability
see this thread:  Good Guide of the Basics, from Corsair --> RAM: How to Test RAM Modules for Memory Issues
----> RAM: Can I mix CORSAIR memory kits?
(excerpt / copy)

"We strongly recommend that you do NOT combine multiple kits of CORSAIR memory in your system. This is because our memory kits are only validated for their rated performance when only using the modules included in that specific kit (DIMMs sold in the same box).
If you combine multiple kits, even if they are rated with the same speed, you risk causing compatibility issues such as system stability problems, the overclock profile being prevented from enabling, or even your system being unable to boot."

So even if its the same company, product line, DDRtype, GB size, model number, timings, and Voltages.
     (Corsair, Vengeance, DDR3, 12GB (3x4GB), CMZ12GX3M3A1600C9, 9-9-9-24, 1.5V)
But because the versions of the ram from my 5.12 and the Ebay 3 Pack at 2.12, might cause issues? Just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. 
Would you then recommend that I just buy a full brand new grouped package of 6 sticks at 24GB to avoid any issues that might arise? Or try to find 3 Sticks running the same Version I'm currently running?
I'm really strapped on cash :( a 25-40$ fix is kinda my limit atm.
2024/12/28 14:00:30
Cool GTX
the link is Corsair's official reply to this question ... "mixing any ram"
only Corsair would know what the Rev differences are, if that information is not proprietary, they may share it with you .... I'm guessing they will just say it is not guaranteed to work.  Maybe if you are really lucky they can help you secure a set of 6.
I'm just saying there are no guarantees it will work @ "factory clocks" or at all ...
so, do you want to take a chance?  would you be OK if it did not work?
I've bought two sets of RAM before to double RAM & had no issues, though they were identical including Rev number
(I might have to dig into my storage & see what might be lurking in my old X58 XPower rig)
2024/12/28 15:25:17
@cool GTX
Cool Thanks for the help, I might just give corsair a call then. lol, Been going fine with 12GB but lately man system requirements have shot through the roof on memory. 16 to 32 is like standard now. Really hope 2025 changes for me and can get some luck. A new PC seems to be the only logical next step If I can't patchwork this for at least another year. 
2024/12/29 08:44:23
Cool GTX
as posted above "might work" ......
It is not ideal to mix any RAM especially with different Version ...  still maybe it works, even if you need to manually change timing for stability
see this thread:  Good Guide of the Basics, from Corsair --> RAM: How to Test RAM Modules for Memory Issues
----> RAM: Can I mix CORSAIR memory kits?
(excerpt / copy)

"We strongly recommend that you do NOT combine multiple kits of CORSAIR memory in your system. This is because our memory kits are only validated for their rated performance when only using the modules included in that specific kit (DIMMs sold in the same box).
If you combine multiple kits, even if they are rated with the same speed, you risk causing compatibility issues such as system stability problems, the overclock profile being prevented from enabling, or even your system being unable to boot."

So even if its the same company, product line, DDRtype, GB size, model number, timings, and Voltages.
     (Corsair, Vengeance, DDR3, 12GB (3x4GB), CMZ12GX3M3A1600C9, 9-9-9-24, 1.5V)
But because the versions of the ram from my 5.12 and the Ebay 3 Pack at 2.12, might cause issues? Just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. 
Would you then recommend that I just buy a full brand new grouped package of 6 sticks at 24GB to avoid any issues that might arise? Or try to find 3 Sticks running the same Version I'm currently running?
I'm really strapped on cash :( a 25-40$ fix is kinda my limit atm.

The reason companies don't recommend mixing any ram kits is because they tune a kit to run at the rated timings & voltage. Mixing a different kit with another might mean they won't run as rated.  It's always a coin toss.  That said, I have mixed ram kits a few times with positive results.  I have an EVGA X58 Classy E770 right now running with two 3x4GB kits in it. Only difference is mine are G.Skill kits.
2025/01/07 12:56:10
Set all timings at the slowest ram kits numbers maybe start there?
2025/01/16 00:22:30
Hey all, sorry things have been crazy. SO! I went and just winged it and bought this 2.12 version of the Corsair PC3-12800 (3x4GB) 12 GB DIMM 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory (CMZ12GX3M3A1600C9) Kit I found on Ebay. I loaded them all up the other night because I was basically told by everyone either do it it will work or don't it won't work, So 50/50...
So here's the results.. 


So, after loading them and booting up my PC again. Things were great, nothing exploded and windows 11 recognized all 3 new sticks. I had my PC running for well over 20hrs with no issues. While I was watching a show on with only google and a few background apps running. My PC just Bluescreened windows 11 did it's dump and restarted. I was like GREAT! I downloaded Bluescreenview to find out what exactly caused it. I already knew it was a memory issue since I haven't had a bluescreen in SOOOOO long. Yep, exactly was a memory crash. 
I removed the 3 new sticks and everything has been stable since. I guess the people saying Never Mix 2 Different Ram Kits are right.
I checked my bio's mem settings before installing the new sticks. I have it set to standard, apperently my bios does have a XMP 1 and 2 Profiles ( but havent used them ). I manually set my timings and OC'd them to 1600mhz * all above *.
I mean I could go back into bio's set everything to default and re-test, But if it can't run stable at the OC 1600 settings I want I don't see any point in testing lower or the XMP profiles.
My biggest question would I still have a 50/50 chance if I matched the versions like all 6 sticks of either 2.12 or 5.12. Because now I'm stuck with 3 sticks of each version that don't paly well togeather. 
I guess you just don't know with tech a lot without doing it yourself lol. Man I really wish I just waited to found matching 5.12 version sticks.
2025/01/16 07:04:15
Sorry it didn't work out for you.  It was always going to be a 50/50 shot.  Even if you found a kit with the same version #'s, it's still a crap shoot.  When they sell a kit, it's been tested as a kit.  When you try to mix 2 kits, even though it appears to be the same, it was never tested as a "packaged kit".  That makes it a hit or miss thing.
When you say you tested with your OC settings, do you mean just the clock speed or do you also mean with the main timings, voltage, etc?  Personally, in this situation I would test all at stock memory settings.  If stable, then load your XMP profile & test before I gave up on it.  As I mentioned above, I ran 2 kits I bought seperatley and they ran fine at XMP, so you just never know until your try it.

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