So that Dolby Atmos issue that many 30 series cards had? Well, not my 3090 FTW3 Ultra that I still have. But my 4090 FE has it.
When changing browser tabs or alt tabbing, one to four times a day my Dolby Atmos output from my 4090 FE would cut out completely (or sometimes for 3 seconds and recovering), sometimes it would go all robotic/digitized, and sometimes it would double in audio and go robotic. Got my 3090 FTW3 in right now as the RMA is on the way, and it's working fine.
Man, I really miss EVGA tech support / customer support. Nvidia CS was garbage. Asking me to give them the same information that I gave in the initial support request ticket multiple times. It's like they legitimately didn't read what I wrote, and was almost parody at times.
FWIW, I condensed the almost 2 years of troubleshooting this issue and provided formatted paragraphs of the troubleshooting steps that I took - which included building a new PC and fresh windows 10/11 installs.
It only took 2 weeks of dealing with them to get the RMA approved, after providing multiple videos showing the result of the audio issue (and them not following through with their request for me to show them video of the 3090 FTW3 working fine, lol!).
We all miss you, EVGA.
EDIT - Workarounds (kind of solutions) on page 2