From my last post, so far temps are similar as to the one I posted on 9 Aug. Under same conditions. Unfortunately, I do not test and monitor the temps during consistent conditions as my room fluctuates with room temperatures. But under the same conditions as above, minus room temps:
With PTM7950 so far:
1. 3dmark time spy: I got a 50C for this test this time.
2. Gaming: no change with gaming. I max out at 60C, and this is when my room door is closed and it's heating up. Normally I would be between 52-56/58, pretty much as posted above.
3. Furmark: I think I ran it last time around 10 min. I was maxing out at 60C this time. Maybe 1-2C worse, but honestly environment isn't consistent so hard to tell.
Overall, no real change from last month's post. If I notice any noticeable changes I will definitely post, but right now it seems consistent and steady. Otherwise, will provide another update next month.