In no particular order...
1) MS Office Outlook - Its the only program I can use comfortably for emails
2) Afterburner - For monitoring usage/temps, custom 2D/3D profiles
3) Sandboxie - Its like wearing a condom for internet browsing.
4) VLC - Swiss army knife of media ( I only wish the screen capture worked better...)
5) OpenVPN - Old faithful
6) Putty - To operate my linux machines remotely. Also, I use MTputty when i need to send the same command to multiple servers.
7) Filezilla - FTP/sFTP
8) Steam - Mainly for communicating with friends
9) Origin - Because i need it to play games... I usually run origin inside steam, so I can get the best of both worlds.
10) Sublime 2 - A solid text editor
11) 7zip - I've been using this ever since winzip was no longer free
12) Windows Media Center - The only way i can watch TV...
13) Nitro PDF - Reading and creating pdf files
14) Chrome - All general browsing
15) Firefox/chromezilla - for sketchy/unknown sites
16) Avast - Feels like its slowly getting more bloated, but it works well enough
17) CCleaner - I occasionally use this every few months
18) GIMP - when I need more than paint can offer...