• EVGA Z690 Series
  • Z690 Classified Memory has changed and CPU has changed. (p.6)
2024/01/18 23:57:09
You can keep Eleete X1 installed just disable start with OS. 

Yes, that should work. 
2024/01/19 18:37:00
I've got two cold starts with long spans of time between and no Boot to Bios, so far.
However, it STILL takes quite a while to post. I will need to actually time it and show that here, but what is a reasonable time from Power Button to Desktop?
2024/01/19 18:40:07
Interestingly, after going into the bios and just hitting F10 to get to the desktop, I'm getting a "Standard PS/2 Keyboard" showing up in device manager but it's failed to start, so it has the triangle !.
Did I mess something up in the bios?
2024/01/20 00:43:51
Interestingly, after going into the bios and just hitting F10 to get to the desktop, I'm getting a "Standard PS/2 Keyboard" showing up in device manager but it's failed to start, so it has the triangle !.
Did I mess something up in the bios?

Possibly you did set something wrong, so go back into the BIOs and if there is a setting for the standard keyboard disable it.
2024/01/20 07:08:26
The boot time from pressing the power button to the point the desktop shows up is 1m:12s
My old Gigabyte board was fast, I'd estimate 20-30 seconds.
I will check the bios for Keyboard options on my next reboot.
2024/01/20 07:59:40
Double post...
2024/01/20 08:21:57
Do you have force memory training enabled?  If you retrain your memory every boot, that would account for some of that extra time.
2024/01/22 23:13:25
Do you have force memory training enabled?  If you retrain your memory every boot, that would account for some of that extra time.

What setting is that?
2024/07/24 11:15:00
Figured I'd come back and update my personal situation with my z690 classy. 
Disabling Eleet X1 from startup changed the behavior from happening every time the pc was put to sleep to once in a blue moon, however it does still tend to happen where it'll be asleep, and I'll be asleep  and I'll wake up to the computer booted at the bios with any variation of messages telling me things that have not been changed have changed. 
What has not changed and still persists is that I still get any variation of those same messages from a cold boot EVERY TIME. 
It's pretty weird that despite this seeming to be an issue for everyone that has this board, that no one from EVGA has commented and why this is tolerable on boards 3x the cost of "lower end" boards that just work without issue.

I'm considering transitioning to a small form factor build, so any recommendations on boards are welcomed.

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