There are a lot of assumptions in this conversation.
Unless someone from EVGA chimes in and indicates what cards do or don't work with their products that were sold to the general public and not advertised as "only works with XX video cards" (at least, I'm not aware of any declared limitations, but I didn't go looking because personally I wasn't interested in purchasing that case), it is perfectly reasonable for any user or purchaser to ask that question.
Unless it's declared in the documentation, we don't know what support is on offer. We also don't know how many of these will be made (other than the vague/ambiguous statement "very limited"). It's possible it isn't offered at all anymore, which would put it in the same category as the DG-87 and similar series. While EVGA didn't make AMD graphics cards any time recently, they didn't limit that case to Nvidia cards. They even made AMD motherboards as recently as the E1 case, so unless otherwise stated, it would be at best an assumption one way or the other as to what graphics cards are or are not supported by the E1 case gauges unless explicitly stated by EVGA.
Your reply seems… upset maybe?
Yes, there are assumptions based on history and facts.
“EVGA offered AMD motherboards while the case was on the market.”
Yes, and never offered the motherboard as an option with the case. Evga also never offered AMD based software controls for motherboards until the x470 FTW and dark, and the software they made only worked for that series of boards as well.
EVGA’s GPU software has never controlled AMD GPU’s.
EVGA’s GPU software suites have been able to monitor AMD CPU stats, but never control them.
EVGA’s current GPU softwares has not monitored or controlled AMD GPU’s.
Support@evga.com can answer the question, if the facts aren’t enough. The suggestion for GPU monitoring can also be suggested, and EVGA may be able to get it added, but if the user has an AMD GPU, and the analog gauges are registering the GPU, that is an answer in itself.