Again repeating and others are saying:
I cleared my cache and cookies, restarted Firefox and still have nothing showing on my notifies link. Used Chrome browser with same results. Tried Microsoft Edge same result. Should be showing at least 3 products I signed up to be notified of.
Some months back I even got an email notifying me that my first notifies were for discontinued products and to allow EVGA to change them to more recent products which I did. Having visited EVGA several times since and checking on the 3080Ti's I was able to verify that indeed I was supposedly on the notify list for those products. I got my email from EVGA 3 days ago telling me I had 3 or more notifies outstanding and to come and trim them to 2.
Why is nothing showing then from the link? I can't trim my notifies if your website doesn't display them for me. There is obviously some problem with your site or database or both. I'm able to log in just fine and it recognizes me. Very frustrated here.
And please don't reply with clear cache/cookies as I've done this several times!