The title of this should be "Worse Queue System, Fewer Gamers To Get A Card" because that's literally what this does. You're letting people who've already bought cards buy more so the people who haven't gotten even one yet have even more people in front of them AND you're forcing us to only be in 2 queues rather than signing up for as many as we can so we have a greater chance of at least getting something. Both of these things mean fewer people will actually get cards, since they'll all be going to people who bought cards already and we can't mitigate that problem with multiple queues anymore. This is the worst thing you could have possibly done.
It can't be more people since new joins are closed but I see your point.
EVGA keeps saying for more gamers. What if we aren't wanting this thing for gaming? believe it or not but these GPUs are very powerful pieces of tech. Some of us are not gaming, mining or scalping these things. Some of us are NEEDING to use them for work, making an honest living and all that. These GPUs have made CPU rendering obsolete and there is the whole AI learning capability built into them which is my guess why miners want them so much.
Anyway, gamers do not need them, they want them, there is a difference believe it or not if your a special snow flake. People like me need them so we can make our production faster and better. Me and some others are waiting in line to get a GPU behind people who have already gotten one or more just because they WANT it.
Some people game for a living. I find that sort of odd, but it's better than being an "influencer" I guess.
Some people game for their mental health, arguably the ability to do so is actually more important than a job (unless someone couldn't get another job). Or they are disabled and between that and the pandemic it's the only way they can spend time with people (I personally know a disabled vet, missing a leg and all sorts of spine/pain issues, gaming keeps him in touch with us and sane; fortunately he does have a functional GPU).
Lots of people do use GPUs for their job, and at that point either: You have the company handle it, or you get written approval to just buy a scalped one/OEM prebuilt expense it and call it a day. If it's your own busness, you write it off as a business expense. If you are working somewhere and they expect you to buy something like a 3080 *out of pocket* in order to do your job, find a new job.
Meanwhile when one of my fellow employees' laptop breaks it's a 3 month delay (and about DOUBLE the price as the same machine a year ago), not even the option to buy one scalped lmao. Or we could send someone to a B&M store and get something worse for even *more* money.