So, a couple of people have asked but I read the whole thread and there was no answer that I saw.
"Can we 'undo' a notification deletion?"
I really don't care which 3080 I end up getting and I'm honestly not in a huge rush to get it, but of the 8 non-watercooled models to narrow it down from, I learned from this thread that I happened to pick two that are unlikely to be released ever again, the 2 non-ultra models.
So here I am with 10G-P5-3883-KR and 10G-P5-3895-KR in queue (from 1/8/2021). Which I picked because they were the oldest in my queue so I figured they would be best to keep.
I had a 3897 and 3885 in there as well, which I added on 4/3/2021 when I realized that, since I don't really care which one, may as well try for them all. It's real frustrating since these cards are minimally different in spec and price, but apparently vastly different in production, which is largely unknowable. This thread separates the Ultra vs. non-Ultra, but the email doesn't. I was focused on the XC3 and FTW3, figuring that THAT was the important part of the designation, not the marketing flair at the end.
Also...I just notice that I wasn't moved to the KL version...I should have been, right? Too many SKUs for functionally equivalent items.
So, CAN I undo my notify removal? And if so, should I?