2021/10/06 12:19:49

I guess I want to clarify: Will I get picked based on the my older queue position (XC Black) with a chance for a later queue position item (XC3 Ultra) since those are going to be on offer more frequently. (example I'm on the XC Black queue since 10/6/20 and the XC3 Ultra sometime much later in 2021. Will I get picked based on the 2020 date or the 2021 date?)

I think you're overthinking this.  We are not changing how the queue works from a notification standpoint: Queues are based on a part number by part number basis.  Once your date/timestamp in a specific queue hits the top of the queue, you will get your notification. 
What we are changing is the number of notifications that people are allowed to have on their accounts.  If you have more than two notifications, we will only use your two oldest notifications on your account.  This is why we've asked people to remove all but the two notifications they really want.


So what do I do now?
10G-P5-3899-KR8/22/2021 6:42:37 PM PTNo10G-P5-3889-KR8/19/2021 5:56:38 PM PTNo12G-P5-3953-KR8/4/2021 11:42:49 AM PTNo12G-P5-3969-KR7/31/2021 10:29:29 AM PTNo12G-P5-3959-KR6/16/2021 5:06:11 AM PTNo    10G-P5-3895-KR3/31/2021 9:58:24 AM PTNo10G-P5-3888-KL3/31/2021 9:57:48 AM PTNo
I really want the Hydro copper preferably 3080FTW3 ultra.
But my two oldest are a 3080 FTW3 and a KL Hybrid xc3 ultra.
I'm also less than 17 hours away from the 3080ti XC3 Ultra H.C.
What do I do based on your knowledge?  
2021/10/06 12:28:13
I got my email notification of these changes and after trying many times I was able to log into my account. However when I was finally able to get to the notifies page and clicked on my notifies it was blank...nothing came up. I know this is incorrect since I should have at least 2 or 3 notifies coming. Is this server error? Some other sort of error? I certainly can't check on my notifies if your web page won't show them to me.
2021/10/06 12:32:34
Thanks for the update
2021/10/06 12:54:27
Hi all, I'm new here but have been in the "queue" for months, like most, probably.
I can't access the myNotifies page. I click on it and it kicks me back to the login page in an endless cycle. Could this be that we're overwhelming EVGA servers due to their mass mailing notification? I'll try again in a few hours before calling on support.
Edit: alright, you guys are good lol. I tried one more time and the login page told me the answer: clear your browser cookies, then log in again. I did, and it worked.
Seeing my queue list, all 3 versions of the 3080 I've had since May have the word "Hybrid" in their names. The notification said "Hybrid" models are in short(er) supply. Honestly, I just want a 3080-TI in any flavor they come but don't want to lose my queue position. Any tips on what to do?
2021/10/06 13:09:49
This is likely a good move with how things are going forward. Thanks Jacob ! 

More ways to thwart bots the better! 
2021/10/06 13:10:56
Hi all, I'm new here but have been in the "queue" for months, like most, probably.
I can't access the myNotifies page. I click on it and it kicks me back to the login page in an endless cycle. Could this be that we're overwhelming EVGA servers due to their mass mailing notification? I'll try again in a few hours before calling on support.

Try a diff pc/browser or clearing cookies. This tends to happen because of that. 
2021/10/06 13:21:44
Try a diff pc/browser or clearing cookies. This tends to happen because of that. 

Exactly right. Cleared cookies and got through. Thanks!
2021/10/06 13:23:14
now it works fine...but when i "entered" the queue (around january this year) i don't have evga account, now i created one (with same e-mail) but can't find any gpus in my notifies page...
also i looked on queue status for EU () and....there is barelly any new dates compared to the us...some gpus even don't have dates or have dates about a year back! 

I requested feedback about EU vs US queues, no one seems to know the answer..

I would like to think that the issue is on the tracking. You know, maybe there's no one keeping the data up-to-date as Ewet is doing here. That's a tedious job to do from which you get no compensation at all.  
However, we have a say here (in my country) which literal translation into English would be something like "who says nothing agrees". That's why the silence from EVGA is so ... And I don't know how to be politically correct here. :-D.
2021/10/06 13:28:05
I tried doing as you asked and was able to remove most of the cards I had in the queue. However, there were two cards that I had it the queue that your system rejected to be removed: 10G-P5-3895-KR 10/15/2020 1:47:10 AM PT and 10G-P5-3895-KR 10/15/2020 1:47:10 AM PT. Each time I clicked "Remove Notify", I would get the popup screen to verify the remove, I would click "OK", the screen would refresh but it still showed the cards in the queue. You need to fix this if you want us to be in compliance of your directive.

2021/10/06 13:28:55
If EVGA wants to make a difference and keep the cards out of scalper hands fulfil those that have been waiting on the queue instead of shipping to bestbuy,new egg,BH ectara. The last two months I have been to the restock events at a few companies with out being able to get even one of the tickets. 80+% of available stock in the restock went to resellers[[[SCALPERS!!!]]] Fill the queue buyers first and stop the discriminations against the gamers. The prioritization Is discrimination of at least one gamer in my home as well as 2 products in Queue means on daughter wont get one. This change is very short sited by whom made this descension. 

Bring out the 30 supers and give those in line for a lower tier for that model the 1st opportunity in exchange for their spot in queue instead of starting a new queue. I mean seriously it is not that hard to do the right thing!

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