2021/10/05 22:59:58
Why are scammers allowed to buy more than one card before everyone else can get at least one? It's a little ridiculous.

Scammers don't actually buy any cards. I think you mean scalpers. The two types are not interchangeable.
  • Scalpers sell the real deal for a high price. This is legal. 
  • Scammers sell you a fake, often for a price that's too good to be true. This is fraud.
2021/10/05 23:21:54
I've started getting BSOD after updating to the latest Nvidia drivers :S

I think it's time.
2021/10/05 23:32:20
Does the SMS verification work outside US? Does it mean people in Canada or Australia are screwed?
2021/10/05 23:37:01
I'm queued up for a 3080ti XC3 12G-P5-3953-KR. Do I have any chance of getting this in the next 14 years or are they not being made anymore?
I did not add any "ultra" skus because they were too expensive. I hope I'm not out of luck.

kinda in the same situation as you, but with the 3070ti. not sure whether or not to drop the 3070ti xc3 (3783-KL).... there's activity in the last 30 days apparently according but just barely as the last reported movement was 1 second only, so it's not looking so good :/
2021/10/05 23:47:35
That's a very valid question and I'd like to know that as well. Usually the placeholder in the form field is a clue of the format to be used (e.g: +12 345 678 9000 or 345 678 9000 directly) but from what I can see there is none. I think I'll set mine with country code for the time being and change it back if needed. Better to have more details than too few I guess.

Since we're still working on adding this, I can ask our programming team to check on this.  However, this would be more likely to impact people purchasing on our EU store.

That would be great actually as I am in the EU so this is quite relevant. I presume getting the phone number right ahead of time would very much also mean less support calls to you guys as otherwise there might be plenty of people with an email and no SMS code due to local variations in phone number formatting (I've seen all of these: (+99 099 999 9999), (099 999 999), (099.999.9999), (99 999 999) and while some things like missing the leading 0 when not putting the country code are fine, others like not putting the country code or using dots may throw a monkey wrench in the gears). As someone who's had to make a little thingy to process form submissions in order to automate delivery of a few hundred packages (ain't nobody got time to do that manually) I can vouch that user error on data entry is a major pain in the read end.
2021/10/05 23:52:49
So I can see that "Notify me" button has been removed for every card in EU...
2021/10/05 23:58:20
So I can see that "Notify me" button has been removed for every card in EU...

It is gone on every card in North America too.
2021/10/05 23:58:26
How does this work for people who originally had early queues for the lower tier cards (i.e. the XC Black) versions, but only signed up for the queues for the upper tier models much later when they noticed that the lower tier queues were not moving? Will you be offering those people a chance to purchase the upper tier cards on their queues too?
2021/10/06 00:22:53
Hey Jacob, what if we got selected for a queue on a higher priced model that we didn't want for ourselves but family members were interested in so we purchased that SKU for them (they paid us back) and we are still hoping to land the more affordable SKU. Will we still be eligible to be chosen?
2021/10/06 01:04:02
I like the changes, I cleared my queue of every card but 1 at the beginning of September, and "unfortunately" it is the base model RTX 3070 Ti XC3 which I'm supposed to be less than a minute out on, but I will probably still be waiting throughout the rest of the year if not longer, so lets see what the rumored SUPER refresh and Intel GPU launch looks like.

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