2021/10/05 13:30:23

As we continue to monitor the queue to get cards to gamers sooner, we appreciate all the feedback to help us to improve the queue system.

Due to the overwhelming demand for the 30 Series Products, our first step was to close the notify queue until we can fulfill them. Management team then took an extra step to prioritize those that have not received a card versus others who have been able to get multiple GPU’s.

After reading the feedback, there were legitimate concerns about retroactively changing the queue function. We are sorry for any frustration this caused, this was not the company’s intention. Today we are going to make the following updates:

1.    The queue system will be rolled back to the previous rule.
  • Anyone who missed a card from Monday, October 4th, will be notified on the next release.
  • EVGA will continue to send notifies through October 8th.
2.    In order to get cards to gamers sooner, please go to the notify page at https://www.evga.com/community/myNotifies.asp and keep only the top two cards selected that you would like to purchase, and remove the others.
  • On October 11th, 2021, the system will only lookup and send notifies based on your two oldest entries.
  • Going forward, the queue system will only allow for two 30 Series notifies on the current lineup.
  • EVGA strongly suggests to keep the FTW3 ULTRA or XC3 ULTRA models due to consistent supply compared to limited supply on K|NGP|N, HYDRO COPPER and HYBRID due to supply constraints.
  • EVGA is also going to be adding SMS verification to the checkout process for all notifications to catch bot orders.
3.    The queue system will not be turned back on until the current queues are fulfilled.
4.    The checkout window is 20 hours from the time of notification released.

EVGA appreciates your feedback to continue improving the queue system to deliver 30 Series cards into as many gamers hands as possible.


2021/10/05 13:32:51
Thanks for the update, Jacob.
2021/10/05 13:35:07
Thanks Jacob.  This is a better outcome than yesterday's approach.  We appreciate EVGA's willingness to consider additional perspectives and further refine the experiment that is the Queue!
2021/10/05 13:36:07
Thank you Jacob

2021/10/05 13:36:11
thanks for the Update
2021/10/05 13:37:34
Thanks, Jacob.
2021/10/05 13:37:39
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the next gen with this queue system
2021/10/05 13:39:15
Thank you for listening and fixing the queue. This solves all of the gripes and should make it a better experience for everyone!
2021/10/05 13:39:25
Thanks for the update. Queue 2.1 lol, here we go.
2021/10/05 13:40:34
In terms of GPU related news, this day is a blessing. Thank you for the update!

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