princess_jpuffHi, just want to mention on the Auto Notify Product Page it still says 11th Gen Intel Core i5/i7/i9 Rocket Lake-S Processors
princess_jpuff Sorry if this has already been corrected and I wanted to post a screenshot but it's on here ( / products / product list . aspx?type=1)All products > motherboards > All motherboards > scroll down to EVGA x570 Dark
kram36"AMD AM4 Socket 1331 Processors (Ryzen 5000/5000G/4000G/3000 Series)" Who is going to put a G series processor in this board when it doesn't have any display output?
EVGATech_LeeMWe also have another X570 board coming soon which does have display outputs. Compatibility is the same for both boards. Plus, you never know when you might need to test a spare CPU....
EVGATech_LeeMkram36"AMD AM4 Socket 1331 Processors (Ryzen 5000/5000G/4000G/3000 Series)" Who is going to put a G series processor in this board when it doesn't have any display output?We also have another X570 board coming soon which does have display outputs. Compatibility is the same for both boards. Plus, you never know when you might need to test a spare CPU....