No clue why. But I came back to this over a year later because I was able to flash my 3080 LHR FTW3 to the regular 3080 hybrid FTW3 LHR BIOS no problem. But wanted to but never could get the XOC BIOS to flash for the second BIOS slot. Would always say something like "firmware already up to date"
Downloaded the corresponding file
XOC version of 3080 FTW3 HYBRID LHR cards w/ Device ID [4898]
only or 3080 FTW3 LHR [4897]
only",turned off fast boot, shut down to switch the position of the BIOS switch, and it flashed no problem at all. Specifically the file "4898_OC_450W_ovu" in 10G-P5-4898\XOC\2nd_U10830
I already had the "regular" OC FTW3 Hybrid LHR BIOS flashed to that slot just for anyone trying to get this to work and having trouble like I did over a year ago.
If someone from EVGA updated the BIOS file to work or something I appreciate it, very happy to have this working.